Friday 4 November 2016

What to Look for When Buying a New Shower

Is your shower more splutter than splendid? Whether you’re looking for a shower to gently warm and wake you up on these dark autumn mornings or a stimulating shower to wash away the stresses of the day, here’s everything you need to know to find your perfect shower.

Crosswater’s latest Dial Shower system uses push button technology to control the water flow and temperature.

Check your water pressure – If you have a type of shower in mind, it’s important to check that your home’s water pressure is sufficient to power the shower. If it’s too low, then you may need to buy a shower head or pump specifically designed to improve the flow.  You can test the water using a pressure gauge or if you’re unsure then it’s best to call in a professional. We can do this as part of our home bathroom design service.

Check your water and heating system – To optimise the flow of your shower it’s important to identify the type of water and heating system you have. UK homes usually have one of three systems: Gravity-fed (vented system), Unvented system and Combination boiler.  

The gravity-fed system is the most common and comprises a cold water tank in the loft which usually sits above a hot water cylinder in the airing cupboard below. The boiler heats the water in the cylinder and directs the hot water to the shower, bath and taps.